The Miss Maggie Story
On the 30th December 2012, Miss Maggie and two other dogs were surrendered into the care of Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue (EGLR). Miss Maggie was thought to be around 10 years old and the conditions she had been kept in can only be described as horrific.
The 3 lurchers had been existing in a cold, dark shed with no bedding, damp floors and little evidence of any food or water, the 3 dogs were in a poor condition but thankfully because of EGLR all 3 were saved.
Miss Maggie was in a dreadful state.
Unloved, dehydrated, malnourished and hardly able to stand due to muscle wastage from lack of exercise and her overgrown nails, but more critically she was suffering from a very serious chest infection.
Miss Maggie was fostered by the wonderfully experienced Rachel Parnell who collected her on that afternoon, on her way home she took Miss Maggie to see the vet.
Looking at these pictures of Miss Maggie still, make me feel angry and sad, these were the first pictures I ever saw of Maggie. The look in her weary eyes stayed with me.I followed her progress with interest, Somehow I just knew that I should be the one to offer her a home.
Rachel did not know if Miss Maggie would survive the night.
But she took her home made her comfortable and most importantly showed Miss Maggie that she cared, for the first time in many years Maggie was warm, comfortable and loved. Thanks to Rachel and EGLR Miss Maggie went from strength to strength, however, she would never be the dog that she should have been as the years of neglect had taken a toll on her long term health.
I badgered my poor husband day in and day out.
I already had one golden oldie, the very handsome Mr Duskey who with age was becoming a little grumpy and Pushkin's the cat, I also knew that bringing Miss Maggie into our home, would at some stage bring the pain of losing a special beautiful girl far sooner than she deserved.
Miss Maggie would also be expensive as pet insurance for a dog in her condition was out of the question.
Miss Maggie did, of course, join our family.
She became known as the Duchess, she cost us thousands of pounds, her chest was weak, I soon learnt the symptoms of her "going off" she developed 2 further serious chest infections, where I thought I had lost her and the vet was amazed that she had managed to pull through ~ what Miss Maggie lacked in health, she made up for in pure will and determination, she really was a feisty little madam and worth every penny (pound) we spent on her.
We had Miss Maggie for just under 2 years.
Although I say it myself she had a wonderful life, spoilt rotten, holidays, treats, and lots of love from everyone she met. It was so sad that in the end because of her hard life and the neglect she had suffered, her bones and joints were weak, one evening she dislocated her hip and unfortunately, there was nothing more we could do.
Miss Maggie was helped over the bridge in her own home.
She was warm, comfortable and loved, in those last moments, we were able to gently hold her, and tell her that we loved her, that she was beautiful and that we would never forget her. Sadly three months later at around 16 years of age, Mr Duskey joined his Miss Maggie, both had gained their wings.
Although this fund has been set up in Miss Maggie's name as her legacy to help those who find themselves in a similar position, it is of course dedicated with love to both of them.
I know from experience that just because a dog is senior this does not mean that we don't pull out all the stops to keep them happy, pain-free and comfortable.
The angels who dedicate themselves to looking after older Lurchers and Greyhounds have my upmost respect, this is why Miss Maggie's Supper Box has been set up, in a very small way it supports those rescuers in their work, which in turn helps the wonderful oldies.