Deborah Mason
Well it's been almost a week since I launched Miss Maggie's Supper box and in that time, as well as being humbled by the kindness of people, older boy Eli has been adopted and went to his new home today. What wonderful people his family must be and how blessed they are to have this older boy in their lives.
Like a lot of people at the moment including Royalty I have been struggling a bit with a virus and the so called "hacking cough". This has been irritating but not debilitating and it has not stopped me taking Ruby and George out in a morning for their walk, you really can't beat fresh air and exercise to get your day off to a good start, made even better by having the time that retirement brings to sit down afterwards for a nice leisurely cuppa.
One of my tasks for EGLR is crossposting dogs and it never ceases to amaze me how many people are quietly beavering away in the background supporting all manner of rescues in spreading the word and photos of dogs looking for homes.
Whilst in the process of sending photos to these sites I found some pictures of when I did this for Miss Maggie, her husband Smurf and a youngster that was believed to be their offspring. All 3 had lived outside in a damp, dark shed, they were malnourished, had muscle wastage and their nails were terribly overgrown through lack of exercise, needless to say they were all suffering severely when rescued.
This made me think about foster carers and what a wonderful and selfless task they do, their reward I should imagine (never having done this myself) is seeing broken little souls/ bodies recovering and moving on to a much better and happier stage in their lives. ( I think I might ask the lovely Rachel Parnell if she would be kind enough to write a piece about fostering older dogs for this website).
Anyway enough of my ramblings today my Blog starts with the before and after pictures of Miss Maggie’s husband Smurf they speak for themselves really.