Gracie needed intensive surgery to have any chance of saving her life, at the time of making our donation Greyhound Gap had received £800 in donations but the full cost of treatment was because of complications going to be nearer £5000.
Greyhound Gap do not make decisions about the dogs in their care based on financial viability and are known to form decisions on the welfare of the dog and the views of their highly experienced critical care team at Nantwich.
They are all of the belief that Grace's life is one worth saving and they have now done absolutely everything as a rescue to do just that.
In their words
“To know Grace absolutely is to love Grace. She has the strength and stamina and bloody headedness of a bull rhino and an immense will to live and love now she has finally found happiness comfort and understands what life is about. We as a team are absolutely shattered but that is simply down to the love and compassion we have for this little girl and if we could we would collectively give her every little ounce of strength we have left to use moving forward”.
We were very touched by Gracie and felt for the team that were involved in her care so we donated £350 towards her vet fees.
Unfortunately and very sadly on the 29th October after getting everyone’s hope up and perking up a little, Gracie lost her fight and made her journey over the bridge.