Indie ~ her tumour being to graphic to show
Indie is an older girl, when she arrived into the care of Lurcher SOS she was thin to the point of emaciation and had ear mites. She also had a tumor/growth . Indie’s story, litter after litter of pups and then was discarded. No one has taken care of her - no one took her to a vet when the tumor would have been small and could easily have been removed. No - she was left until the growth was very large and then she was dumped.
The Rescue knew Indie would cost them a small fortune but they took her on anyway, we thank them for that, the money we sent paid for her to have initial investigations including X rays to see is the tumour had spread internally aiding a decision on future care to be made.
Update: The tests revealed that Indie’s lungs were clear so the tumour was removed and she is now living life as a sponsor dog with the wonderful founder of the rescue, Indie is home at last.