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Gift 74: Kiku

Contacting the rescue for assistance to take both dogs in, the rescue of course said they would help. While it was Kiku in need of the most help, he didn’t want to split them up as they had been together their whole lives...even during their racing careers, they were so bonded that they were retired at the same time so to be kept together.

Kiku’s teeth were in a dreadful condition but the rescue were most concerned about her general physical condition and were sure there was going to be a deeper and more sinister underlying problem which was going to end her story long before her time. The rescue put an appeal out and Miss Maggie responded by sending £150 to help.

Sadly Kiku passed away 4 weeks later, the rescue were devastated but they did all they possibly could and for those 4 weeks she received the best possible care. Her brother was happily adopted.